
How to manage urticaria (skin allergy)?

Dr Kamlendar Singh
Senior Consultant, Dermatology and Venereology,
Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi

Q: I have been suffering from minor skin allergy since 3 weeks and have been put on anti-allergy tablets mainly, Betnesol forte and Atarax. The allergy is visible in the form of rash, which gets suppressed when on medicine and gets visible when I am off medication. Also, I experience itching particularly on my head, arms and knees. I had my blood test done to determine the DLC reference values and all was normal. My local physician says it is due to change in the weather, but I would like to know from you whether such allergies take that long to be suppressed. The rash when it occurs resembles major mosquito bites. I would be grateful to you, if you could let me know more about this and whether such ailments are common these days.

A:Allergies are of various kinds. You have not indicated the diagnosis in your case. It appears that you have urticaria. In most cases it subsides spontaneously by 3 months, whereafter it is labelled as chronic urticaria. In the acute phase, aim is to control the problem with minimal medication possible. In cases where it persists beyond 3 months, then all efforts are made to find the cause and eliminate it. In some chronic cases, no cause is found. In such cases, there is no choice but to give medicines (if necessary) till the condition lasts.