
How to manage ulcerative colitis?

Dr BS Anand
Houston, USA

Q: I don't know if I have colitis or irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). I had colonoscopy three years back which showed ulceration in the sigmoid colon and rectum; the rest of the colon was normal. Biopsy impression: Non-specific proctitis. After 4 months I consulted another doctor who repeated the colonoscopy and no ulceration was seen. Biospy impression: Early lesions of ulcerative colitis. But the problem is still persisting and so I consulted a third doctor who says I do not have colitis but IBS About 4 years back I used to get blood in my stool but now I have constipation or diarrhea 3 to 4 times but no blood. I also have poor digestion and flatulence. Could you tell me what is my problem and what can be done for this?

A:The only way to be sure about the diagnosis of colitis is on biopsy. Since biopsy done on two different occasions showed colitis, it does appear you have mild form of ulcerative colitis. I suggest you take two tablets of sulphasalazine (500 mg), two times a day (4 tablets a day total). This should maintain your bowel habit in good shape.