
How to manage severe pain in the ear?

Dr Anil Safaya
Senior Specialist & Head,
Department of Otolaryngology,
Ibri Regional Referral Hospital,
Sultanate of Oman

Q: I am having pain behind my right ear. The pain is very severe and comes in spasms. The right side of my face is slightly swollen and the pain seems to radiate to the right side of my head and neck. The right lymph gland is swollen and so is the gland just under the jaw on the right. I have seen three doctors and all have different versions. One says it could be a salivary or sublingual infection, the other says it may be mumps while the third feels I need to see a surgeon but does not say why. I am very afraid as I have very low tolerance to allopathic medicines, strong antibiotics and pain killers. I am on Norflox 200 mg three times a day and one doctor says I need to take Moxclav 625 mg to relieve this condition. A relative had a similar problem some years ago which was diagnosed to be a cancer of lymph glands. She died a few months later. I am also a very nervous and insecure person and that compounds all my problems. I am otherwise healthy and fit except for a bit of wheezing due to dust and pollen allergies. Please tell me what this could be and advise?

A:There is nothing to worry about as long as the gland is painful. It generally means an infection of the gland. These infections can be of various kinds. I would suggest the following:1. Get an FNAC done of the gland by a pathologist. It will confirm the disease and also allay your fears.2. Get some basic baseline blood tests done like Hb, ESR, TLC etc. Do let me know the results. Don't worry unnecessarily.