How to manage premature ejaculation?
Professor of Urology, Director Clinical Research,
Henry Ford Hospital,
Detroit, USA
Q: I am a 24 yrs old male. The head of my penis has not dried up and when I touch it, it is hypersensitive. The head is covered with foreskin and when I pull it back the color of the head of the penis is pinkish. When I have intercourse I ejaculate within a few seconds after insertion. I have begun feeling tense as I am not able to satisfy my partner. I feel that as the head of the penis is not dry I reach climax very soon. Please tell me a remedy by which the head of my penis dries up and I am able to have a better sexual life.
A:I fully understand your problem. There is no need for the glans of the penis to dry up. You have to get over the natural oversensitivity of the glans penis (which is normal as it has very rich nerve supply). There are many ways and means to do that. You could use condom, you could apply xylocain ointment (which would reduce your sensitivity), you could try and masturbate before intercourse or even if you have premature ejaculation do not worry try a second or even third attempt of intercourse as a when you are ready, which would be more satisfactory. Do not spend too much of time in foreplay. Even after that if you do not find improvement you could contact a urologist who will help you by adopting some other measures such as circumcision.