
How to manage pain due to swelling in the bone after injury?

Dr Mathew Varghese
Head, Department of Orthopaedics,
St. Stephens Hospital,
New Delhi

Q: I underwent a bone scan for pain in my shin. I had hit the shin with the claws of a hammer 3 years ago and an x-ray was taken with no break found. Recently, I have started having major pain in that area. The bone scan showed swelling in the bone. I was instructed to take it easy for 6 weeks and asked for another appointment if it still hurt after that. I have taken it easy for 10-12 weeks but it is hurting badly. What should I do? A quarter inch ship was taken out from the hammer claws, where the swelling happens. Squatting as well as running kills me. I hit a 10 on the pain meter. I have heard about growth hormone shots to make the bone regrow. Please advise.

A:From your history, my first impression would be a bump resulting from hit by the hammer. Normally when such thing happen, blood collects underneath the skin and the covering of bone calledperiosteum. This collection then gets converted to bone and presents as the swelling that you are describing. This can remain painful especially if a bursa forms on it (a bursa is fluid filled sac that is created by nature to protect such bumps). If there is no bursa you should have no pain after 3 years. To be sure someone will have to examine you carefully.The other possibility is low grade infection in the area. Taking rest without knowing the diagnosis has no meaning. I think you should consult a good orthopaedic surgeon before any further self treatment.