
How to manage our child's hearing problem?

Dr Shalabh Sharma
ENT Surgeon,
Sir Ganga Ram Hospital,

Q: My 19 months old daughter is having hearing problems and we have shown her to a doctor in Mumbai. A treatment of speech and hearing is going on. She has been given a machine which is fitted on top of the ear from outside and she is going for speech therapy. Do you suggest any medicine, even homeopathy or ayurvedic, since the 19 month old is going through the hardship of travelling for 4 hours by train (up and down). We stay in a remote place called Daman and there are no good doctors nearby and hence we have to go to Mumbai. The baby's hearing problem is 90db and 100db as told by the doctors in Mumbai. Your advice is required on the issue.

A:Your child needs to have her hearing evaluated with and without the hearing aids. If her deafness is 90 to 100 db, then it is unlikely that she will benefit much with hearing aids. If this happens then you should look into the possibility of a cochlear implant operation at the earliest as implantation before two years has excellent results.