
How to manage multiple fibroids?

Dr Sadhna Kala
Senior Consultant Gynaecologist,
Moolchand Hospital, Delhi

Q: I had been diagnosed as having 2 fibroids 5 years ago followed by multiple fibroids last year at which time I had excessive and continuous bleeding for a month. That was the last of it. My periods stopped a year ago after that particular severe bout. I have no other problems now. Do you advise hysterectomy to rule out cancer due to fibroids later? My Fasting Blood Sugar is 91mg and PPBS is 142mg. Am I considered a diabetic since it runs in my family history? What precautions should I take?

A:You have not mentioned your age. I presume age is near-50 since your periodshave stopped. Post-menopausal bleeding should not be taken lightly. Diagnostic hysterscopy and fractional curettage and histopathological examination of the tissue should be done to determine the nature of the disease in the uterus. Cancer uterus has to be excluded especially if you are post-menopausal, have ahistory of diabetes, blood pressure and obesity.