
How to manage hypertension in pregnancy?

Dr S Padmavati
Senior Consultant Cardiologist,
National Heart Institute, New Delhi

Q: What are the medication for hypertension in pregnancy and is aspirin given to a patient with hypertension? If not, why?

A:The safest drug is Methyldopa and is the drug of choice. I.V. Hydralazine should be given in emergency. ß-Blockers are safe in the 3rd trimester. Calcium channel blockers should be avoided. Diuretics are best avoided. Contraindications are: ACE inhibitors and angio-tensin receptor antagonists.Aspirin can be given to patients with hypertension to prevent heart attacks and strokes. They can also be given to patients with angina and after heart attacks. Aspirin in contra-indicated in haemorrhagic stroke, but not in Ischaemic Stroke.