
How to manage gestational diabetes?

Dr Surender Kumar
Department of Endocrinology & Metabolism,
Sir Ganga Ram Hospital,
New Delhi

Q: I am 28 years old and I am in the 34th week of my second pregnancy, expecting twins. My doctor advised me a GTT test. The readings of my test are: FBS 5.4 mmp, 1st hour 9.7 mmp, 2nd hour 8.5 mmp. Do I have diabetes as per the above results? Is there a chance of having it in future? My father was diabetic. What is the correct range of glucose in blood during pregnancy?

A:You have what is called gestational diabetes. Get your HbA1c (glycosylated haemoglobin) done – it should be < 7%. Also try to keep your 2 hours after each meal blood glucose around 120-130mg%.Your blood sugar is expected to come down to normal range after delivery, but you are greater risk of development of diabetes. Therefore, later on after delivery, regular exercise, maintaining normal body weight, and lifestyle modifications for a stress free life, are important to prevent diabetes.