
How to manage diabetes and high triglycerides?

Prof Dinesh Dhanwal
Prof of Medicine and Head of Endocrinology,
Maulana Azad Medical College,
New Delhi

Q: I am diabetic since 2 years and also have high tryglycerides for which I am taking Fenolip 160mg and Nialip 375mg. My sugar levels have been near normal without medication for the past year or so but my report last month showed a value of 117mg/dl fasting and 152mg/dl PP with absent urine sugar. I was advised to take Glycomet250 mg twice before meals. Now after a month my reports show a very high value of 169mg/dl fasting and 350mg/dl PP with urine sugar + and ++ respectively. I am very upset with these results. I would like to inform you that in between for about 20 to 25 days, I used to consume an ayurvedic medicine for bronchitis called PANKAJ KASTURI which had sugar candy content of 5gm per 15gm of intake. Please advise the reason for the same and necessary medication. Is parboiled rice good for diabetics? Also, is weight training helpful as a daily exercise routine? Many thanks.

A:You have not mentioned your age and weight but in view of high triglyceride levels I presume that you are at least not underweight. I will suggest: 1. As a first step stop this ayurvedic medicine as it contains high sugar. For bronchitis, are you on any steroids? If so please taper it off quickly as steroids worsen glucose levels. 2. Increase your Glycomet to 500mg twice a day to be taken after meals.3. Exercise, including weight training, helps in reducing blood glucose levels.4. Rice in moderation is okay but should be consumed with plenty of green vegetables to reduce its high glycemic index effect.5. Get your blood sugar tested after 15 days. If fasting is less than 150mg/dl and postprandial <200mg/dl, then continue same otherwise you might need another medication.