
How to manage acidity and constipation?

Dr BS Anand
Houston, USA

Q: For the last two years, I am on drugs like omeprazole and other antacids. I was suffering from acute GERD. A specialist doctor had done endoscopy and told me that I was having multiple small ulcerations in my stomach. Now I have stopped taking medicines on a regular basis and take them only on need basis. But I still feel the acidity after I give up the medicines. How to cure this once and for all? For the last 15 days I am feeling constipated. I took some laxative medicines and other laxative food but it does not help me completely until I took a heavy dose of sorbiline. Kindly write me how to over come my constipation. Is sorbiline safe for me?

A:For your stomach acidity, you should do the following:

  1. Stop smoking.
  2. Avoid pain medications called NSAID (aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxyn etc).
  3. For pain the safest medication is paracetamol.
  4. If your doctor did a test for H. pylori and it was +ve you should take medicines for this infection.
  5. Take omeprazole on an as required basis.
For constipation:
  1. The best medication is a high fibre product such as Isabgol husk. Take a tablespoon full every evening with a large glass of water. Adjust the dose so that you get a satisfactory bowel movement.
  2. Drink plenty of water throughout the day.
  3. Regular exercises such as a brisk walk for 1/2 hour daily.
  4. Avoid laxatives as in the long run they cause more harm than good.