How to manage accommodative esotropia in the left eye?
Dr Pradeep Sharma
Strabismus and Neuro-Ophthalmology,
AIIMS, New Delhi
Strabismus and Neuro-Ophthalmology,
AIIMS, New Delhi
Q: Can accomadative esotopia with ac/a ration lead to blindness? My 21-year-old daughter has been diagnosed with this condition. She has been wearing glasses since she was 6 years old. She was recently given bifocals because the inward turning of her eye became worse. Are there any exercises that can be done to help her with this problem.
A:Accommodative esotropia can be easily managed by glasses, which may be bifocals as in your case. The good news is that if fully corrected with proper wearing of glasses, such a condition does not require surgery. If glasses are not worn regularly one eye the one that is squinting can become amblyopic.