
How to manage a case of rheumatic heart disease?

Dr OP Yadava
CEO & Chief Cardiac Surgeon,
National Heart Institute,
New Delhi

Q: My brother (24y bachelor) is a patient of Rheumatic heart disease. He was checked at RML hospital and AIIMS in Delhi. The doctor at RML has advised surgery in which two valves will be replaced while AIIMS doctor suggested angiography first and then they will decide about the operation. If AIIMS also suggests surgery, then which hospital should we go to? What precautions should he take and will his married life be affected?

A:Both RML & AIIMS hospitals you have mentioned are of good repute and it is very difficult to say which one is better. This you will have to decide. Regarding the angiography, one can only comment after seeing the patient and his echocardiography report. Regarding your query about married life and precautions to be taken, I would like to say that his married life will be normal. However, he has to take precautions throughout his life to protect his valves like regular follow up with cardiologist and prevention of any infection or quick treatment for the infections, proper regulation of blood thinning tablets which he has to take throughout his life.I hope I have answered your queries to your satisfaction. If you have any further doubts, please feel free to contact me and it shall be a pleasure toanswer them.