
How to manage a broken collar bone?

Hansa Kanuga
Consultant Physiotherapist,
Apollo clinic,

Q: I have a broken neck and collar bone. It's been a month and my collar bone hasn't healed due to my neck brace pushing the bone so that it cannot rejoin and heal. The doctor says that it might heal when the neck brace comes off, yet she says that there is a possibility that it may never heal. She says surgery is an option, but I can still live a normal life without surgery. Will I have pain forever if this bone is not reattached? Will it inhibit me in some way?

A:Collar bone usually heals on it’s own even if it takes time as in your case. It usually does not lead to any functional disability. Non union of this bone is very rare. Only in established cases should one go for surgery. You can have the sling for a little longer till your shoulder gains strength. Just confirm that the bandage in the axilla is not causing pressure on the Brachial Plexus.1. You can start pendular movements gradually increasing the range. 2. Your therapist will aid your movements passively gradually assisting you to normal range. You can also try hydrocollater packs before exercises. 3. Home exercise regime with wand exercises and functional use of the whole limb will be a part of your therapy too. 4. By 6 weeks you should get a fully mobile shoulder and a fairly strong shoulder.