How to handle lack of concentration?
Senior Lecturer and Consultant Physician,
University Hospital of Wales, Cardiff
Q: I am 19 years old but can't drive. I have had loads of lessons but just can't concentrate. I learn one thing and forget the other. I just drift off and cant seem to put procedures into practice. My mother feels that this lack of concentration could be linked to low blood sugar as I always feel really hungry and shaky if I don't eat loads all the time. Is this true?
A:It seems to me that you do not concentrate hard enough on your driving. You have to concentrate on each skill at one time and develop the skills required one by one. You may have difficulty in coordinating your mind, hand and legs in developing your skills. Do you swim or play any games? You have not mentioned if you are putting on weight by eating loads, as you put it. The issue of a low blood sugar can be resolved by consulting your doctor who can measure your blood sugar and insulin levels before and after a long fast.