
How to handle a hyperactive child?

Dr Renu Kishore
Reader, Department of Psychology,
Daulat Ram College,
Delhi University

Q: My son is 3 and half years old. He was born Premature (7th Month. He was in ventilator for almost 2 months at Manipal hospital bangalore during which he had developed multiple problems. The food pipe got jammed and he could not drink even the mothers milk. The was corrected by an operation and got it right. After that doctors diagonised that he has parrot legs (feet slihtly bent). Even this was partially corrected by applying plaster for almost 2 month and subsequently using a special pair of shoes. And after all this agony now he is healthy. Now he has become hyperactive and very naughty too. He brakes what all he sees. Regarding studies he lacks concentration. He cant concentrate on a particular thing for more than 2 minutes and loses interest. Now he is in montessory and is goog in momorising rhymes, alphabes, numbers etc. The problem is he is not able to write even a small stroke or line. when ever we try to teach him writing some how he avoids and if we persist him to write he just scribbles.Will my son learn writing in the near future. Also he has a slightly squinted left eye. can this be corrected.

A:Your sons medical problems must be looked into at the earliest,esp. his squint, as it may affect his reading and writing progress. It would be advisable to consult a child psychologist or counsellor to diagnose whether his hyperactivity level is higher than normal and whether he has a learning disorder. Children who are ill in early infancy are given much attention which sometimes leads to disciplinary and other conflicts. Be firm but loving with your child. Set limits and be consistent. Reward desirable behaviors and try to ignore undesirable behavior. Encourage his strong points.