
How to get rid of an addiction to nasal drops?

Dr Chandra M Gulhati
Editor, MIMS,
New Delhi

Q: I have to take nasal drops (like Otrivin) 5-6 times a day during winters as my nose feels stuffed whenever I am in a cold environment, even when I do not have a running nose. Incidentally, I also have asthma, though not too serious. Is there any medicine to get rid of this addiction to nasal drops?

A:Your condition is typical of the result of excessive use of nasal drops in the initial period. Many people go on using nasal drops, lead to a sort of dependence. Such use leads to rebound congestion in the nose. The only way now for you is to try to reduce the use gradually i.e. from 6 times to 5, then to 4, 3 etc.