
How to get accurate blood sugar readings by a glucometer?

Dr Eesh bhatia
Professor in Endocrinology,
Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow

Q: I have recently purchased a glucometer from Accucheck. When the test was conducted, I got the following reports - FBS 148 through the instrument and the same when blood was taken through a syringe from a vein in a lab resulted in 110. Two hours after lunch, the blood taken from capillary through Accucheck value is 151 and the value of blood taken through vein is 134. Which method is correct, Accucheck based or the one done in lab through a colorimeter? What is the logic behind this?

A:Usually there is a slight difference in fasting glucose values between those done by glucometer and serum - less than 10%. However, there should be no difference between capillary and plasma values when done in post meal state. I would suggest you have your meter checked by taking it to the dealer and asking him to test it with known control solutions of glucose, which are provided by the company to them. These control solutions have a mean and a range - the result in your meter should be within the range and close to the mean.