
How to feed a fussy child?

Dr PSN Menon
Consultant & Head, Department of Pediatrics
Jaber Al-Ahmed Armed Forces Hospital, Kuwait

Q: My 7 months old baby is not taking enough solids (cerelac) for the last two/three days but he is taking mother feeds and playing. Earlier, he was taking 4/5 scoops but now he is taking 2/3 scoops only. Can you please tell me what could be the reason? For his digestion we are using Liv-52 and Aristogm drops. Is there anything else required to improve his digestion?

A:What you describe is a common phenomenon in many infants who are being fed with semisolids. There is often no medical cause for such a behaviour. Many infants accept the same feeds if the consistency of the feeds is made lighter, as it makes swallowing easier. It is not clear whether taste and flavour affect feeding at this stage of life, but consistent denial of feeding calls for a change in the feeds. I have not found any great benefits of giving any of the digestive tonics to infants at this young age. The best indicator of whether your child is feeding well is adequate weight and height gain.