
How to diagnose and treat disc prolapse?

Dr Mathew Varghese
Head, Department of Orthopaedics,
St. Stephens Hospital,
New Delhi

Q: Is disc prolapse curable? Does it require any operation? I want to know how my problem will be cured? I have not undergone any MRI, but I have done several X-rays, and blood test. Blood tests shows that there is no Arthritis. X-rays also shows nothing. Please suggest what I should do. I am in Hyderabad, so please give me some doctors address whom I can trust.

A:It is difficult for me to give names of doctors based in Hyderabad. There are reputed hospitals there and you could safely contact one of the senior consultants in these hospitals.As a point of general advice when dealing with healthcare professionals, it is best to have two independent opinions unless, you personally know the integrity and the competence of the person. If you have no contacts then choose one private and one Government medical institution. The rationale behind this is one can give you an opinion which is not biased by any commercial interest. The other can be treated as a second opinion. This is the policy I normally convey to people. It may not always work.To come back to your problem, I think the diagnosis of disc prolapse is a combination of clinical and MRI evaluation. Once a disc prolapse is confirmed then the decision to operate is based on the following:1. Persistent pain that is not relieved by adequate conservative treatment.2. Recurrent attacks of pain that cuts into the economic activity of the patient.3. Presence of an increasing neurological deficit in the form of paralysis or loss of sensation.4. A massive neurological deficit with paralysis of the limbs and urinary and bowel incontinence. If this happens this is an emergency situation.5. A fifth indication could be if a biopsy is required for a doubtful diagnosis.There is no cure for disc prolapse. It is a mechanical problem and pain once it comes usually settles in about 80% of cases with pain killers and rest / restricted activity. Most patients are able to get back to their normal activities. Those who fit in to the above mentioned categories may need surgical intervention. I don't think you need to be worried. Significantly, you should be able to get back to your activity. Occasionally some restrictions may be there.