
How to deal with a demanding child?

Dr Renu Kishore
Reader, Department of Psychology,
Daulat Ram College,
Delhi University

Q: My niece is 11 months old. Sometimes when she gets scared or when we do not yield to her demands, she expresses her protest by getting excited and tightens her face, hands and legs for a few seconds. When we console her and divert her attention, she returns to normalcy. This behaviour has become a cause for concern. Please advise.

A:Try to find out if your child needs more attention due to which she indulges in screaming and demanding behaviour only at home. Communicate clearly to her that such behaviour would not be tolerated and that daddy - mummy would give more time and love if she behaves calmly. If she still continues the tantrum, ignore her after telling her that you do not like it and are going to another room where she can come only if she is calm.