
How to control physical desire towards other men?

Dr Bert Pepper
Blauvelt, New York

Q: I am a 42 year old female. I was separated from my husband for three years, nearly two years back. Now we are together, but it is five years since I have had any sex life. I just don't feel like going to my husband. Instead I have very great physical desire towards other men. Why this strange feeling at this age? I have a teenaged daughter and a 7 year old son. I'm feeling miserable. Is there any medication to kill this physical desire or else I may ruin my life. I'm having great difficulty and in a way am obsessed with this thought. Kindly suggest a medical remedy for this disease (read somewhere that this is called nymphomania) if any. I wish to add that I hail from a very good decent family and I'm well educated too.

A:You do not sound like a nymphomaniac. You sound like a frustrated woman who is still sexually alive, but who is no longer attracted to your husband. Why did you go back to him? For love? Because you are a responsible person, considerate of your childrens wish to have married parents? To please your family? Why were you separated; was he with another woman? If so, how did it end - did she throw him out, or did he decide that you are truly the love of his life and that he was a fool to leave? Or, did you leave him for another? If so, why did you come back?Your letter raises more questions than it answers, and without answers to the questions I have asked, your sex problem cannot be answered. It may be a symptom, not the basic problem. It is hard to be attracted sexually to a man who has hurt you, or to a man toward whom you feel anger, even if you are unaware of angry feelings.My suggestion: Talk with a marriage counselor. If you are depressed, you may be sent to a psychiatrist or other physician, who may prescribe medication for depression. Incidentally, antidepressant medications have reduced sex drive as a (usually unwanted) side effect.