
How to clean wax or crusts in the nose?

Dr Anil Safaya
Senior Specialist & Head,
Department of Otolaryngology,
Ibri Regional Referral Hospital,
Sultanate of Oman

Q: I have cold from past 2 months. During the night, in sleep I feel very difficult to breathe. I am getting blood while taking out the wax in nose.I am taking Elina and Actified but after a week again I suffer with the same. I have very dry cold, I feel to remove the wax every time. For that I put vaseline in to the nose so that I can prevent. I consulted the doctor, he says that there is no extra bone in the nose also.

A:The reason this wax or crusts form in your nose is because your mucous layer of the nose is sticky and gets dried up fast. On top of it you are using Actifed and Elina, which dry up the mucosa further. You should avoid cleaning the crusts with fingers, etc because every crust, if removed, leaves an ulcer, which will bleed. So this is what you should do:1. Clean nose daily with a solution of home available Baking powder (1 spoon full) and mix it in one glass of luke warm water. Do this daily twice or thrice.2. Apply vaseline or any cream only at night time.3. Use a nasal drop containing Normal saline like Nasoclear etc. - this makes the mucous layer alkaline and thus will help you .4. Try going for steam inhalation at night to ease breathing during sleep.