How to build up stamina?
Counsellor, Psychotherapist & Wellness expert,
Q: Presently I have fair stamina for running and can run about 400 meters slowly with ease. I want to increase both my stamina and speed, particularly speed. Please suggest some exercises.
A:For stamina increase, you must continue doing cardiovascular exercises like running but you can vary some of the medium. For example you can spend the same time you do on a run, on a cycle or swimming. Keep a record of the time, distances covered and the heart rate taken at the height of your activity. As you go through with your programme, you will find that you should be able to cover more distance in less time. You could also try doing some interval training. In this type of training, you can alternate between high and medium intensity and recovery time. You can do this with varying ratios: either 1:1 or 2:1 where the first numeral refers to the peak and the second refers to the recovery time. This can be done 2-6 times during your workouts.