How to be sure that my daughter is not suffering from TB?
Dr Anuj Sharma
World Health Organization,
Country Office for India,
New Delhi
World Health Organization,
Country Office for India,
New Delhi
Q: My 8 years old daughter has a knot in the neck and the Elisa test has shown IgM value of 0.75 and IgG value of 235. The doctors are in a confused state because there is no current infection, but the history shows the sign of infection. Please let me know course of action, possible treatment and precautions.
A:A clinical evaluation of your daughter is more important than the results of TB serology, which has poor diagnostic accuracy, low sensitivity and specificity. If there is a single palpable lymph node in the neck, then observation and follow-up are indicated. If there is a clump of enlarged lymph nodes, then additional investigations include CBC, ESR, Mantoux test (or Quantiferon TB gold IT test), chest X-ray, FNAC or biopsy.