
How should one remain fit with a hectic work schedule?

Dr Sandeep Saluja
Consultant in Medicine,
Saran Ashram, Dayalbagh (Agra)

Q: My boyfriend's job requires him to stand almost 24 hours. Sometimes he needs to work overnight when dealing with customers from overseas. He is an asthma patient. Whenever he works for long hours, he falls sick. He gets flu and cold easily and has hypertension too. He has no time for exercise. I would like to know how can he remain fit despite his hectic work schedule. How can I help him have a healthy lifestyle?

A:There is no substitute for exercise. He has to squeeze some time for it even if it be at the work premises. He should abstain from junk food and strictly keep away from smoking (active and passive). Hypertension needs to be carefully treated and no dose should be skipped. As for asthma, he must be under the care of a good physician on regular basis.