
How should I deal with my son's bed-wetting problem?

Dr Rajesh Ahlawat
Division of Urology and Renal Transplantation
Medanta Kidney and Urology Institute
Medanta, the Medicity

Q: My son is 21 years old, 6 feet 2 inches tall and weighs 150 kg . Whenever he drinks alcohol on a regular basis, he wets the bed. What should I do?

A:One of the main questions is that: Was your son a bed-wetter during his childhood (primary), or has the problem started de-novo (secondary)? Most of paediatric bed-wetters get dry by 7-8 years. The unfortunate observation is that the incidence of bed-wetting in adolescence and adults is similar (approximately 2.5%), which means that very few get spontaneous cure if they continue to bed-wet beyond childhood.Secondary causes of bed-wetting are:

  1. Urinary infection
  2. Problems with muscles or nerves related to the bladder
  3. Small bladder capacity due to a disease (organic), or increased residual urine (functional)
  4. Increased amount of urine formation at night, as may happen with poorly controlled diabetics, patients taking diuretics or large amount of fluids.
Bed wetting following alcohol intake may fall in the last group mentioned (increased urine output). The other observation is that he is tall and obese, and needs to be evaluated endocrinologically. It would be prudent to get him examined and investigated properly.