How should I bring down my ASO titre value?
World Health Organization,
Country Office for India,
New Delhi
Q: I am a 25-year-old female. I am having severe body pain and low grade fever. Recently, I underwent as ASO titre test. The result showed ASO titre is 400 (positive). Rest of the routine test results were normal. What is the line of treatment I need to follow?
A:ASO (anti-streptolysin O) titres depend on the age of the patient and the local incidence of streptoccocal infection. Titres of 200 IU/ml are usually taken as the upper limit of the normal range, since this value is rarely exceeded without symptoms indicative of streptococcal infection. The ASO level can be regarded as an indirect measure of the extent and degree of rheumatic fever. The levels (titres) of ASO reach the highest at the beginning of rheumatic fever, but they may also be seen in some other diseases. Thus, rising titres of ASO have a greater significance, and in general, the antibodies rise during the first month after infection and then plateau for 3-6 months before returning to normal levels after 6-12 months. A clinical evaluation and a repeat test from a good lab would help to arrive at a firm diagnosis.