
How serious is inguinal hernia in a child?

Dr Anurag Krishna
Director of Paediatrics and Paediatric Surgery,
Max Institute of Paediatrics,
Max Healthcare Institute, New Delhi

Q: My daughter is 4 years old. The paediatrician and paediatric surgeon have diagnosed that she has a problem of inguinal hernia. They have suggested for operation of the same. Before that they have suggested to carry out an ultrasound to look for uterus & ovary and certain blood examinations to rule out possibility of any other problem. How serious is Ingunial hernia in a female child aged 4 years? Is there any other remady available other than surgery? Does this surgery affect in any way her physical capacity for normal activities in future? How long it takes to fully recovber after the surgery? What could have been the possible reason for this problem?

A:Inguinal hernia surgery in girls is fairly straight forward. Most surgeons do this as a day care operation, which means come in the morning, get operated and go home same evening. The child can run around from the same evening and there are no major restrictions. There is no other treatment. There are no long term worries.