How serious is congestive gastropathy?
Consultant in Medicine,
Saran Ashram, Dayalbagh (Agra)
Q: I am facing multiple complications like thyroid, congestive gastropathy, mild reflux, high uric acid, high cholesterol, diabetes, asthma, blood pressure and fatty infiltration of the liver. I also have blackened penis. Is congestive Gastropathy and a blackened penis a dangerous situation? Please help me out what should I do with such complications.
A:Congestive gastropathy is not dangerous in its own right but reflects an underlying cardiac dysfunction which can be helped. The blackened penis may indicate a drug reaction or diminished blood supply. You need to be under a good physician who can take a broad view of all your multiple problems. I also sincerely hope you do not smoke or take alcohol. The fat intake in diet must be curbed. Regular exercise as advised by your physician shall be helpful.