
How safe is Lasik surgery?

Dr Arun Mishra
Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon, UK

Q: I am 23 years old male and interested in Lasik surgery. My left eyes power is -4 and my right eyes power is -5. I have been wearing spectacles since Grade three. I read on Internet that although complications are possible in Lasik, just like any other surgery, they are quite rare. However, this is not a hand or a foot surgery that can be concealed, if erred. This is about my sight. I want to be dead sure before I can experiment with my eyes. I hear Epilasik is the latest technology in eye treatment. My only question is, considering money no barrier, which is the best place in the world to get an eye surgery done? People say India has the best doctors but I reckon they tend to bring cost as a significant, decision-making factor. However, what I want to know is which is the best country for Lasik surgery for me, in terms of flawless surgical performance.

A:Lasik or epilasik surgery can have unpredictable outcome so you may still have to wear glasses of weaker power. In addition there are risks of irreversible complications & your lens power is only moderate at present.If you want to consider this surgery, Shankar Nethralay in Chennai would give you best and ethical advice. Some Indian institutions are as good as any where in the world but you have to count the cost of travel of not just the treatment but review visits as well. Have you tried contact lenses? I know several young people in UK are happily putting up with -8 or -9 lens power due to fear of unpredictability and complications. Even when corrections are done things can revert after few years.