How safe are over-the-counter drugs?
Editor, MIMS,
New Delhi
Q: I have noticed that certain schedule H drugs are easily available over the counter like alprax, valium, codeine based syrups etc, which are infact being abused and misused by persons who are practicing dental surgeons and physicians. Is this what medical study leads to? Certain formulations (not familiar to general public) are now the choice drugs of abuse by doctors themselves; when the general public looks up to them as messiahs. How can a drug-addicted doctor be trusted when he himself needs treatment; are we in safe hands?
A:The easy availability of 'Prescription Only Medicines' on OTC sale is a matter of grave concern and both the central and state governments are at fault for not implementing the law. Irresponsible and indiscriminate prescription of medicines by doctors and dentists is an altogether different matter. Most unfortunately, many prescribers depend on pharmaceutical industry to tell them what to prescribe. There is fair amount of corruption. It is our endeavour to inform the patients and we are always available to offer our comments on prescribed drugs.