
How much time does fracture of tibia take to heal?

Dr Surya Bhan
Consultant Orthopaedics,
Primus Hospital, New Delhi

Q: I met with a bike accident and had a fracture in both my legs (1 in ankle and 4 in feet). The doctors implanted tibial nails in both the legs. It has almost been 4 months now. My left leg is ok but my right leg is paining a lot though I have started walking little but can I go back to work. How much time do tibial fractures take to heal? Is it possible that after a year I can remove the internal fixations or it must be kept lifetime? Will I be able to run or jump after the recovery or will I have to live like this forever? Is there any other medicine to recover the broken bones or is calcium the answer? I am doing regular exercises. Please guide me as I am in pain and a lot of stress.

A:Tibia fractures usually take 3-4 months to unite completely but may take longer in some patients. As you say that one of your leg is OK and the other is starting to take load, I think it is a welcome sign and things should be alright in due course of time. The nails should not be removed before two years and once the fractures have healed completely, I see no reason why you should not be able to carry out normal activities. The role of drugs in expediting the healing of fractures is not proven and you should not bother much about them.