
How much time does an injury of the tail-bone take to heal?

Hansa Kanuga
Consultant Physiotherapist,
Apollo clinic,

Q: I am a 24 years old woman. I fell on my back about 3 weeks back and injured my tail-bone. The X-ray showed that the bone had bent because of the impact of the fall. My orthopaedic doctor has advised me to sit on a ring cushion for about 3 months. How long does it generally take to get back to normal sitting after such injuries?

A:These injuries are generally difficult to treat. This is because, firstly, the tail-bone is covered by fatty muscular pads of gluteus maximus. Secondly, this area is prone to pressure in sitting. You can try the following:You can take Ultrasound and TENS at a private physiotherapy clinic. Secondly, while sitting, try to transfer your body weight on buttocks. While sitting, or standing, or sleeping on your abdomen, try repeated contractions of gluteus maximus (buttocks muscles). Avoid sitting with your legs extended in front of you. The pain does not disappear completely but there is no functional handicap following this injury. It generally takes 10 to 12 weeks for the pain to gradually subside.