
How much can I bend after a total hip replacement?

Dr Surya Bhan
Consultant Orthopaedics,
Primus Hospital, New Delhi

Q: I had undergone total hip replacement surgery, metal on metal in a hospital in Pune for osteoarthritis of right hip joint. There was unbearable pain but after the operation I got complete relief and there is no pain in any other joint. The operation was performed three months back and now I can walk without a stick. I have several questions: How much degree of movement is safe and while sitting on a chair can I bend more than 90 degrees? Will there be any problem in having sex? What is the life of a hip joint? How many times can a revision surgery be done?

A:It is good that you are able to walk independently. Regarding your questions. It is not advisable to bend your hip more than 90 degrees; you should particularly avoid bending and rotating your hip inwards. Generally there is no problem in having sex. Half replacement (hemirel) hips tolerate wider range of movement i.e. they are more stable compared to total hip replacements. Life of implants generally depends on patients activity level and a younger, more active patient may require revision at an early stage. Usually primary arthroplasty lasts for about 12-15 years.