
How many times does an infant pass stools in a day?

Dr Vidya Gupta
Consultant Paediatrician & Neonatologist,
Indraprastha Apollo Hospital,
New Delhi

Q: My 35 days old son cries a lot every evening. I can see the sleep in his eyes but he does not sleep. I feed him properly and his weight gain also seems to be fine. The problem is with his sleep. He passes stool after every feed. How many times does an infant pass stools in a day?

A:If you are breast feeding, your baby may pass fairly frequent stool as many as 10-20 times a day. This is normal. Excessive crying in the evening or any time during the day may be due to wind or pain related to wind. Ask your doctor for a prescription for a mild anti-colic anti-flatulent preparation. I am sure he will prescribe something suitable. Sometimes carrying the baby on your shoulder and walking around or rocking it will also soothe the baby.