
How long does the body take to recover after a D&C?

Dr B Shakuntala Baliga MD (AIIMS), FICOG
Professor and Senior Consultant Gynecologist & Colposcopist
Mazumdar-Shaw Center for Cancer Research & Narayana Hrudayalaya Multispecialty Hospital, Bangalore

Q: I had a D&C done in my 3rd month of pregnancy as the growth of the child was not proper. How long does it take for recovery? What is the time duration for taking rest? What food should I avoid eating? I have slight bleeding, only when I cough. Otherwise there is no continuous flow. How long will this bleeding continue?

A:The body takes 6 weeks after a pregnancy or abortion to return to normal pre-pregnancy state. The period of rest advised depends upon any complication encountered during the D&C (e.g. excessive bleeding), or any other pre-existing medical condition you may be suffering from. Otherwise, 1 week of rest is usually adequate. You can take all food, which constitutes a healthy diet, or whatever suits you. Avoid spicy and greasy foodstuffs- usually these aggravate the indigestion that usually occurs with antibiotic intake.You can expect some bleeding up to 1 week. Any bleeding which is more than 2 fully soaked sanitary towels per day is abnormal and you need to report to your gynaecologist immediately.