
How long does my wife need to take medicines for lupus nephritis?

Dr Ashutosh Singh
Consultant Nephrologist,

Q: My 36 years old wife is suffering from hypothyroidism and lupus nephritis. She has been taking treatment for the same for the last five years (Cellcept- 1gm BD, Prednisolone 10 mg, calcium, iron, Losartan and Eltroxine). At present, her condition is stable and she is maintaining good health. The reports of all tests like urine protein, blood creatinine and urea are normal. For how long does she need to continue the treatment?

A:Patients with Lupus nephritis are treated with a combination of immunosuppressive medications, choice of which is based on type/class of nephritis, (ascertained by kidney biopsy). Your wife would probably need to be maintained lifelong on minimal dosage of immunosuppressive medication, (one or more agent) which is well tolerated by her, intended to prevent any flare up of the disease process involving the kidneys or any other system.