
How long does it take for chickenpox to be cured completely?

Dr Kamlendar Singh
Senior Consultant, Dermatology and Venereology,
Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi

Q: I am a 52 years old man and got chickenpox infection for the first time. In almost all the articles about chickenpox I read that the red spots become blisters filled with clear fluid, which later turns cloudy and crusts within 24 hours of appearance. I am into my 5th day of infection after the red spots appeared first. I am taking Acyclovir and antibiotics too. Most of the red spots remained same for 3-4 days and have started to turn black but the few ones, which developed into typical blisters, are still yellow in colour as though filled with pus. There is no pain but intense itching. My family members are still against washing the skin with water, is it ok? Please advise.

A:Active vesiculation usually occurs for 3-4 days. Crusts may take 5 to 20 days to fall off. Infection is severer in adults than in children. If pus filled blisters do not dry up, then consult a doctor as it might have got secondarily infected by bacteria. I suggest you avoid bathing till all lesions dry up.