
How is intestinal candidiasis treated?

Dr BS Anand
Houston, USA

Q: I am suffering from intestinal candidiasis. What medicines are available for this disease in our country?

A:The primary site of candida infection is the oesophagus. The usual practice is to investigate patients with oesophageal candidiasis for HIV infection.Topical (i.e., local) therapy, with either clotrimazole troches (10 mg troche five times daily) or nystatin suspension (200,000 to 400,000 units five times daily), can be administered. However, randomised, controlled trials show that oral fluconazole is as effective but more convenient and better tolerated than topical therapy. Therefore, I suggest fluconazole treatment. Intestinal candidiasis may also result due to unregulated growth of the yeast cells in the gut when patients are given broad spectrum antibiotics, which kill the beneficial microbial bacterial flora of the intestines.Please consult your doctor for a proper diagnosis of candida infection, and assessment of HIV infection before starting treatment.