
How do we improve our daughter's eyesight?

Dr Rishi Mohan
Consultant Ophthalmologist, Indraprastha Apollo Hospital,
New Delhi

Q: My 4.4 years old daughter is having some problem in her eyes. The latest reports are:- Right Eye:- sph +2 , Cyl +1 ,Axis-90 , and VA 6/24. Left Eye :- sph +2 , Cyl NIL , Axix- nil , VA 6/24. How do we improve her eyesight?

A:This child must wear the glasses constantly and it is often seen that the visual acuity improves because of better focusing of light rays on the macula, thus stimulating the retina.Taking a diet with green leafy vegetables and fruits will provide better nutrition to the retinal cells.A regular follow up with the ophthalmologist is required for monitoring of visual improvement.