
How do I treat my diabetic foot?

Prof Suneet Sood
Consultant Surgeon,

Q: I am 56 year old male suffering from diabetes for the last 15 years. During this period I got diabetic foot disease. Two toes of the foot have been amputated. The problem with me is that my wound on the foot is never completly healed and I am using bandage everyday, which is making life miserable. Is there any solution for the problem as small wounds under my foot always give me fear of infection. I am presntly on insulin 25-30 morning-evening respectively. My diabetic level is consistent at 80 fasting and 120-130 PP.

A:A diabetic has poor blood supply to the foot. Consequently, wounds take longer to heal and also get infected quickly. They are treated in the same way as wounds in all others: keep clean, remove dead tissue, and use antibiotics as needed. The difference is that healing takes long, therefore this process goes on for some time, and is not always successful.If you suspect that your foot has not been cared for adequately, visit your surgeon and ask for regular dressings, and admission if required, till the wounds heal. Some wounds need skin grafting. If the wounds have not healed despite adequate care, you may have to consider an amputation. There is no point in being miserable. Amputation may be at midfoot level, at ankle level, and at mid-leg level. Ask your orthopedic surgeon for advice regarding the advantages and disadvantages of all. (Mid-foot amputation is not necessarily the best.)