
How do I overcome premature ejaculation?

Dr Shirish Kumar

Q: I am a 25 years old unmarried virgin male. I have no experience about sex. I need your kind guidance to find the answer to my questions. During masturbation I have noticed that I can do 100-150 strokes before ejaculation. The duration is about 3 minutes. I want to prolong the time of sexual intercourse or copulation when I have sex later. Is there any safe way other than using a condom to prolong the period? Is there any medicine that can help me? What will be its side effects? Can the penis be easily inserted inside the vagina of a virgin female? Should the vagina be fingered so that the size of the opening is increased? For what disease is the medicine Dulane 30 used? It is a combination of Duloxetine hydrochloride. A doctor prescribed me this for backache. But I have experienced delayed ejaculation during masturbation & inflammation in penis after taking this medicine. Is acidity also a side effect? I read in a Science Journal that a drug named Dapoxetine is discovered for the treatment of premature ejaculation. It is waiting for patent rights. Is the patent still pending? Is this drug available in India? What is the name of the medicine containing this drug and what are its side effects?

A:It is very important to create the impression of compatibility prior to having sex besides being gentle and patient. Sex, like most other functions of our body, is a normal process and it too can be upset by factors like bad mood, stress etc. This may not necessarily involve the anatomy but instead the mind, which makes the difference. If sex is allowed to happen naturally, in a relaxed way, our bodies will respond normally without any conscious effort on our part. It is important to avoid spectatoring i. e do not critically analyse it and constantly measure your efficiency. Performance anxiety, the fear of failing to perform well should be avoided. Enjoy the interaction and don't aim or worry about the performance. It is vital to improve communication with your partner for this can make the difference between having sex for the sake of it and having an enjoyable time. Remove misunderstandings as they can badly affect the sexual relationship. The clearer you both are about each other and sex, the better it is. Premature ejaculation is defined as the occurrence of ejaculation prior to the wishes of both sexual partners. There is thus no specific or precise duration for reaching a climax as this is quite variable and depends on many factors specific to the individuals engaging in sexual activity. It is a psychological problem and does not represent any known organic disease involving the male reproductive tract or any known lesions in the brain or nervous system. The optimal medical treatment for PE has not been established and the U.S. FDA has not approved any drug for its treatment but many studies have shown that a group of drugs called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and drugs with SSRI-like side effects are safe and effective to treat this condition. Dapoxetine is a novel, fast-acting serotonin reuptake inhibitor which under FDA review for the treatment of premature ejaculation. Recent phase 3 clinical trials in patients with premature ejaculation have shown it to be effective in improving the time to ejaculation without any major adverse events, except nausea.