
How do I deal with my husband’s mood swings?

Dr (Mrs) Mina Bobdey
Counsellor, Educator & Psychiatrist,
Jehangir Hospital,

Q: My 39 years old husband has been experiencing mood swings for the last one and a half months. He gets overtly irritated, over-confident, starts having speech problems, has lack of sleep, increased sexual drive, etc. He has been taking Halodone plus 3, one tablet a day for the last 15 days. At times he says that he is god and capable of doing everything and continues blaming and finding faults with my work. We have a seven years old son who doesn’t know what his father has been going through. I am also working and find it difficult to handle my job, my family and my husband’s problem. He spends a lot of money now and I really don’t know how to handle this. He is giving away money to his friends and relatives. He told me that he had these problems some 15-16 years back and at that time, it took him 2-3 years to get treated. Please guide me on handling all these problems.

A:Sorry to hear about your difficulties. It is hard work for relatives to deal with mood disorders. Have you seen a psychiatrist? If your husband has had this problems before and having it again, if not treated adequately it could get worse and frequency and severity may increase, hence take proper professional's help. There are better medications than Haldol, which will give you better results and lesser side effects.
Coping alone would be difficult, I understand your sentiments of not wanting to trouble the family members but if they were in trouble wouldn't you help them, so seek help from family before it gets too difficult or you may end up having stress related problems.
At time firm boundaries are needed to avoid financial difficulties. In manic phase, judgment gets impaired, hence your husband may make wrong decision, for which you may regret later, hence firm boundaries would be useful.
Look after yourself too, drink plenty of fluids, have regular meals and take adequate rest to be able to cope with situation better. Explain to your son, that his father is not well at present, but will soon get well. Clear communication with future hope would be the best way to explain to him. Get your son's help in household tasks, this will get him closer to you and would help him to understand the situation better.
All the best, seek proper help soon.