
How do I deal with my daughter?

Dr Renu Kishore
Reader, Department of Psychology,
Daulat Ram College,
Delhi University

Q: My seven-year-old daughter gets very angry when she is asked to do simple things like taking a bath, eating food on time, not watching TV the whole day, not to be harsh to the servant / driver, etc. I am a working mother with two children. The younger one is six months old. It is becoming very difficult for me to handle my elder one, as she neither understands loving words nor beating. How do I deal with her?

A:An older child can often show a tendency to become difficult after the birth of a sibling. Your older daughter's actions could be her way of expressing a need for attention. Instead of using physical punishment or scolding, try to ensure that you give her enough time, love and attention. Listen to her. Give her a sense of responsibility for the new baby. Praise her for any positive behaviour. Treat her with respect, and model polite and kind behaviour yourself.