
How do I convince my child about my relationship?

Dr S Anandalakshmy
Advisor on Child Development & Education,

Q: I am 27 years old having a three-year-old daughter. I have not been satisfied with my husband emotionally, sexually or financially in these eight years of marriage. We have not even settled down properly, i.e., am staying with my parents and my husband is staying in his company accommodation. I tried many things to get close to him, but my husband is not making any efforts of staying together. He is an alcoholic and also has illicit relations with many girls. I too got involved with one of his ex-colleagues and he is ready to accept me with my baby, but the problem is my daughter is emotionally attached to her father. I am worried whether or not she will accept another person as her father. How do I convince my daughter of this relationship?

A:Children are usually quite resilient. If the adults around them are happy, they feel good. You will have to decide what you want to do and after clear thinking, take your next step. Your daughter will make adjustments to your new partner, and perhaps keep her attachment to her biological father. In your question, you seem to be looking for reassurance and support for your decision to start a new relationship. When your daughter gets older, you can explain your own motivation and feelings to her. For the present, please be consistent, warm and affectionate to her. Even if she resents a new father for a while, she will learn to like him, if he is warm and friendly to her.