
How do I control anger?

Dr Ashu Gandhi
Lead Psychiatrist,
Adult Mental Health Program,

Q: I am a 22 years old female facing a problem of anger and irritation sometimes usually without reason. While showing my anger I know that I am wrong but I am not able to control my emotions and if I don't vent my anger on someone then I cry out my feelings. I want to control this habit so please help me out as it is affecting my loved ones.

A:Anger is a normal emotion. It is not about 'not feeling angry' but about how to manage anger appropriately. It is about emotional intelligence as what to express, how to express and being able to recognise the emotions in others as well as oneself. As a starter, it may be of benefit to recognise the situations/ people/ events that make you react angrily. This is best done by maintaining a diary. The challenge is then to recognise a pattern of response and look for alternative adaptive responses and practicing a particular adaptive response till it becomes a part of your normal repertoire. This is easier said than done, and can sometimes be facilitated with the help of a psychologist. The key is recognition, practice and persistence and having faith that you can do it.