How can warts be treated?
Senior Consultant, Dermatology and Venereology,
Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi
Q: I am a 24 years old boy. I have developed some white coloured dots around my penis inner tip for the past six months. Lately I found that my penile tip is getting cracks and forming grooves. I feel no pain, itching around the infected areas and there is no discharge also. I am using Iodine over the area as per my doctor's advise. He told me that it is a type of warts. I have never had sex with anyone but have kissed a lady 4 to 5 times, 1.5 years back. I have undergone VDRL and HIV test, which were found to be non-reactive. Is it possible to get infected with kissing? Can I get back my normal penis? Is it re-growable?
A:The appearance of a wart is very characteristic. It is a raised solid eruption with an irregular surface, classically with finger like projections. If you have cracks on your genitals, then you have something else, perhaps in addition to warts.Some infections can be passed on by mouth-to-mouth kissing for example gonococcal infection and syphilis, etc. However warts on genitals do not occur by mouth-to-mouth kissing. Penis will not re-grow once it has been cut; the same way as a finger will not re-grow once it has been cut.