
How can tinnitus be treated?

Dr Aru Handa
Senior Consultant,
Moolchand Hospital,
New Delhi

Q: I am 44 years old man, experiencing a constant noise in my left ear. The diagnosis 3 years ago revealed tinnitus. The traditional advice was to monitor my weight, BP and sugar levels. The doctors told me to adjust to this, as it won't cure. All went well till a month back when I had an unprecedented bout of depression. Now, I feel my patience has exhausted to cope with this condition. At night, it becomes unbearable. Could you suggest some relief from this?

A:Constant noise in the ear is called tinnitus. It needs investigation to find the cause. Tests include hearing test (audiogram) and may include MRI brain to rule out any pathology involving the nerve. If everything is normal then certain measures are used to get used to the sound or mask the noise. You must consult ENT surgeon.