How can the vision of my right eye be corrected?
Consultant Ophthalmologist,
Karthik Netralaya, Bangalore
Q: I am a 28 years old man having a lazy eye. I had - 9 power in both the eyes for which I had Lasik treatment in both the eyes. Now my left eye is fine, but the vision in my right eye is extremely poor. I can hardly see anything and also have a problem of mental tiredness. Please advise.
A:What was the vision in right eye before Lasik? Did the lazy eye start in childhood, by birth or later or after Lasik? What is the fixation. What is the vision now? In myopia, Lazy eye is very uncommon. It may be a macular degeneration. Get an optical coherence tomography (OCT) of macula done, if your doctor recommends. Is there a choroidal neovascular membrane (CNVM)? Although central vision is affected, you should have good side vision in your right eye. Get a retinal check up with a dilated pupil every 6 months.